a top-down view of four people gathered around a table, engaged in a business meeting

Brand Purpose Statements: The Do’s and Don’ts

People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek

Brands with a clear, authentic purpose outperform the market by 120% according to recent studies. Purpose-driven brands go beyond profit, defining their reason for existence and their impact on the world. This article will delve into the essence of brand purpose, its benefits, and offer practical advice on crafting an effective brand purpose statement.

Understanding Brand Purpose

A brand purpose is the fundamental reason a company exists beyond making money. It’s a declaration of the impact a brand seeks to have on the world and the values it stands for. Purpose-led brands with a strong purpose enjoy enhanced customer loyalty, greater market differentiation, and a more motivated workforce.

a top-down view of four people gathered around a table, engaged in a business meeting

Benefits of a Strong Brand Purpose:

  • Customer Loyalty: Customers are more likely to support brands whose values align with their own personal values.
  • Market Differentiation: A unique purpose helps a brand stand out in a crowded marketplace.
  • Employee Engagement: Employees are more engaged and motivated when they believe in the company’s purpose, enhancing company culture.

Examples of brands with powerful purpose statements include Patagonia, whose purpose is to “Save our home planet,” and TOMS, which strives to “Improve lives through business.” These purpose-driven brands focus on social impact and engage with their target market on a deeper level.

The Do’s of Crafting a Brand Purpose Statement

a group of people sitting in a circle, each holding coffee cups, and discussing a branding strategy

Be Authentic

Authenticity is crucial. Your brand purpose should reflect your core values and be something you genuinely strive to achieve. For instance, Dove stays true to its values with the purpose statement, “To help women everywhere develop a positive relationship with the way they look, helping them raise their self-esteem and realize their full potential.” This genuine commitment to their core values resonates deeply with their ideal customer and builds lasting trust.

Be Clear and Concise

A brand purpose statement should be simple and direct. Avoid overly complex language. Google’s purpose statement, “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful,” is straightforward and powerful. This clarity ensures that the message is easily understood and remembered by everyone, from customers to employees.

Focus on Impact

A great brand purpose focuses on the broader impact on society or the environment, not just the products or services offered. Tesla’s purpose, “To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy,” emphasizes their broader impact on the environment. By focusing on significant social issues, they attract customers who are passionate about sustainability, thus creating a loyal customer base aligned with their mission statement.

Align with Business Goals

Your brand purpose should align with your business model and overall business strategy to ensure it drives the company forward. IKEA integrates its purpose, “To create a better everyday life for the many people,” with its business objectives by offering affordable, sustainable home furnishings. This alignment ensures that every business decision supports the overarching purpose, creating a cohesive and directed growth strategy.

Engage Stakeholders

Include employees, customers, and other stakeholders in the process to ensure the purpose resonates with everyone involved. Starbucks involved its community in defining its purpose, “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time,” ensuring it reflects the values of both the company and its customers. This inclusive approach not only fosters a sense of ownership but also ensures that the purpose is authentic and widely supported.

The Don’ts of Crafting a Brand Purpose Statement

a close-up of a document with colorful bar charts and a pen resting on top, placed on a desk


Avoid generic statements that lack specificity and fail to inspire. For example, a vague statement like “To be the best in our field” doesn’t convey a clear purpose. Instead, specify what makes your brand unique and what you aim to achieve. A more effective statement would be, “To innovate continuously in renewable energy for a sustainable future,” which clearly defines the brand’s focus and aspiration.


Be realistic and avoid making promises that the brand cannot keep, as this can damage credibility. If a company promises to “eradicate poverty worldwide” without a feasible plan, it risks reputational damage when it fails to deliver. It’s crucial to set attainable goals that reflect the brand’s true capabilities and commitments.

Buzzwords and Jargon

Steer clear of industry jargon and overused buzzwords that can make your statement sound insincere. Phrases like “To leverage synergies for innovative solutions” can confuse and alienate your audience. Instead, use plain language that clearly conveys your purpose. A clearer alternative might be, “To create products that make everyday tasks easier,” which is both understandable and relatable.

Ignore Feedback

Not seeking and incorporating feedback from stakeholders can lead to a purpose that doesn’t resonate. Ignoring customer feedback can result in a disconnect between the brand and its audience, weakening the brand’s impact. Engaging stakeholders ensures that the purpose is relevant and meaningful to all who interact with the brand.

Being Too Sales-Focused

A purpose statement should transcend beyond just selling products or services. A statement focused solely on sales, such as “To be the top seller of widgets,” misses the broader impact a brand can have. It’s more compelling to frame the purpose in terms of the value provided to customers and society. For example, “To provide innovative widgets that enhance everyday life” focuses on the positive impact rather than just the sales goal.

Steps to Crafting Your Brand Purpose Statement

a man in glasses and a suit writing the word "motivation" on a whiteboard with a red marker

Step 1: Reflect on Core Values

Start by identifying and reflecting on the brand’s core values. Consider what principles drive your company and what you stand for. These values will form the foundation of your brand purpose.

Step 2: Identify the Impact

Determine the broader impact the brand aims to have. Think about how you want to change the world and what positive effects you hope to achieve. This step is crucial for ensuring that your purpose is meaningful and aspirational, addressing social issues and contributing to future generations.

Step 3: Involve Stakeholders

Gather input from employees, customers, and other key stakeholders to ensure the purpose resonates across the board. This collaborative approach can bring new insights and foster a sense of ownership among those who are crucial to your brand’s success.

Step 4: Draft and Refine

Write a draft statement and refine it through feedback and iteration. Aim for clarity, authenticity, and impact. Be open to revising the statement until it truly reflects your brand’s core values and desired impact.

Step 5: Communicate and Integrate

Ensure the statement is communicated clearly and integrated into all aspects of the business. From marketing communications to internal communications, the brand purpose should be a consistent and guiding force that shapes every decision and action. Purpose-led companies should ensure their mission statement is reflected in every communication channel.


A well-defined brand purpose is a powerful tool for building a strong, enduring brand. By reflecting on your core values, identifying your broader impact, and involving stakeholders, you can craft a purpose statement that truly resonates. Avoiding vagueness, overpromising, buzzwords, ignoring feedback, and being too sales-focused will help ensure your purpose statement is clear and impactful.

Start crafting or revisiting your brand purpose statement today. For help considering how your brand can make a meaningful impact, contact Brand Cloud today. Our expert team can help you align your brand with your business goals.

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