5 3D gold stars laying on a blue and pink background.

The Different Types of Online Reputation Management Services

Now more than ever consumers rely on online reviews, social media, and search engine results when making decisions. As a result, online reputation management (ORM) services have become essential for businesses. These services help protect and enhance a company’s online presence, ensuring it remains positive and trustworthy. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of online reputation management services and how they can benefit your business.

Reactive vs. Proactive ORM

Blue Facebook “like” or thumbs up symbol on a pink and red gradient background.


Reactive ORM addresses negative content after it appears. Such as responding to negative reviews, managing crises, and removing harmful content. Proactive ORM builds and maintains a positive reputation before any negative content arises. Involving strategies like content creation, social media engagement, and monitoring online mentions.

Reactive ORM

Crisis Management

Crisis management is a key part of reactive ORM. When a brand faces a PR crisis, quick and effective action is needed to limit damage. Crisis management services typically involve:

  • Assessing the situation and developing a response strategy.
  • Issuing public statements and press releases.
  • Engaging with media outlets and influencers.
  • Monitoring the crisis impact and adjusting the strategy as needed.

For example, consider a scenario where a popular food brand faces a health scare due to contamination. Immediate crisis management involves acknowledging the issue, recalling the affected products, and communicating transparently with the public to restore trust. This swift action can help mitigate long-term damage and reassure customers.

Negative Review Management

Negative reviews can hurt a brand’s reputation. Reactive ORM services help businesses manage these reviews by:

  • Responding promptly and professionally to negative feedback.
  • Offering solutions to dissatisfied customers.
  • Encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews to balance the negative ones.

Handling negative reviews with care is essential. A study by Harvard Business School found that a one-star increase in Yelp ratings can lead to a 5-9% increase in revenue. Thus, addressing negative reviews effectively can have a direct impact on a business’s bottom line.

Content Removal and Suppression

Sometimes, damaging content appears online that can harm a brand’s reputation. ORM services can help with:

  • Requesting the removal of false or defamatory content from websites and search engines.
  • Using legal measures to address defamatory content if necessary.
  • Suppressing negative content by promoting positive content to push harmful material down in search results.

For instance, a company might find a defamatory blog post ranking high in search results. ORM services can work to create and promote positive content, such as customer testimonials and success stories, to push the negative content lower in search rankings, thereby minimizing its visibility.

Proactive ORM

5 3D gold stars laying on a blue and pink background.

Content Creation and SEO

Proactive ORM involves creating and promoting positive content about a brand. This can include:

  • Writing blog posts, articles, and press releases that highlight positive aspects of the brand.
  • Optimizing content for search engines to ensure it ranks highly in search results.
  • Developing and maintaining a positive online presence through regular updates and engagement.

For example, a technology company might regularly publish blog posts about their latest innovations, customer success stories, and industry insights. These articles, optimized for SEO, can help the company rank higher in search results for relevant keywords, enhancing its online presence and reputation.

Social Media Management

Social media platforms are critical for a brand’s online reputation. Proactive ORM services help manage social media accounts by:

  • Regularly posting engaging content that reflects the brand’s values and mission.
  • Responding to comments and messages in a timely and professional manner.
  • Monitoring social media mentions to address any potential issues before they escalate.

For instance, a fashion brand might use social media to showcase their latest collections, interact with followers, and address customer inquiries. By maintaining an active and positive social media presence, the brand can build a loyal community and enhance its reputation.

Online Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring online mentions and reviews is essential for maintaining a positive reputation. Proactive ORM services typically include:

  • Using tools to track brand mentions across the web, including social media, blogs, and news sites.
  • Analyzing trends and sentiment to identify potential reputation issues early.
  • Providing regular reports on online reputation status and progress.

For example, a restaurant chain might use online monitoring tools to track mentions of their brand across review sites, social media, and blogs. Regular reporting can help them stay informed about customer sentiment and address any issues promptly, ensuring their reputation remains positive.

Hybrid ORM Services

Many businesses find that a combination of reactive and proactive ORM services offers the best protection and enhancement for their online reputation. Hybrid ORM services provide a comprehensive approach, addressing immediate threats while building a positive long-term reputation. This approach ensures a brand is prepared for any situation and continuously works to improve its online presence.

For instance, a healthcare provider might use hybrid ORM services to address any negative patient reviews swiftly while also creating positive content about their services and advancements. This dual approach helps manage any immediate issues and builds a strong, positive reputation over time.

Specialized ORM Services

Person circling a pink Post-It note that has a hashtag written on it.

In addition to general ORM services, some providers offer specialized services tailored to specific industries or needs. These can include:

Personal Reputation Management

For individuals, especially those in the public eye, personal reputation management services help maintain a positive personal brand. This can include managing social media accounts, addressing negative news articles, and promoting positive personal achievements.

For example, an executive might use personal reputation management services to enhance their online presence through thought leadership articles, speaking engagements, and positive media coverage. This helps build a strong personal brand that aligns with their professional goals.

Corporate Reputation Management

Large corporations often require more extensive ORM services due to their high public visibility and the potential for significant impact from negative publicity. Corporate ORM services can include comprehensive crisis management, extensive content creation, and detailed monitoring and reporting.

For instance, a multinational corporation might use corporate reputation management services to handle global media relations, monitor brand mentions across multiple languages, and create positive content for different markets. This comprehensive approach ensures the corporation’s reputation remains positive worldwide.

Local Reputation Management

For businesses that rely on local customers, such as restaurants, shops, and service providers, local reputation management is crucial. These services focus on managing reviews on platforms like Google My Business and Yelp, engaging with local customers on social media, and promoting positive local news and events.

For example, a local restaurant might use ORM services to manage their Yelp and Google reviews, respond to customer feedback, and promote local events they are involved in. This helps build a strong local reputation and attract more customers.

The Importance of Choosing the Right ORM Service

Selecting the right ORM service for your business is crucial. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:

  1. Identify Your Needs: Determine whether you need reactive, proactive, or hybrid ORM services based on your current online reputation and goals.
  2. Research Providers: Look for reputable ORM providers with a proven track record of success. Check reviews, case studies, and client testimonials.
  3. Evaluate Services: Ensure the provider offers the specific services you need, whether it’s crisis management, content creation, social media management, or online monitoring.
  4. Consider Your Budget: ORM services can vary widely in cost. Determine your budget and find a provider that offers the best value for your investment.


Online reputation management services are essential for maintaining and enhancing a brand’s online presence. Whether you need reactive services to address negative content or proactive strategies to build a positive reputation, there are various options available to suit your needs. By understanding the different types of ORM services and selecting the right provider, you can ensure your business remains trustworthy and respected in the digital world.

For more information on how to choose the right ORM service and the benefits it can bring to your business, visit Brand Cloud.

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